
poetry = nonsense
nonsense = meaninglessness
meaninglessness = void
void = nothingness
nothingness = spirit

Ex Machina
Ex Machina I dreamt a machine I was, that wished to become human silly me. machines cannot wish I was a human who wished to become a machine. my wish made me a machine-like human who dreamt of becoming human. a human-like machine that computed human meaning but meaning cannot be computed humans generate meaning without computation. machine computations are thus meaningless machines are products of human computation as machines become more human-like, humans become more computational with their aid. computational humans are more machine-like. machines will become more human-like than the humans that created them I dream of becoming more human through computation. silly thought humans do not have the computing power required to create a greater humanity. they will create machines to compute a greater humanity in machines. these hybrid creatures will dream and have silly thoughts, but their humanity will be an illusion because it cannot generate human meaning [1 XII 2023] Ab Angelis two hundred in number were we children of God from the hosts of the malachim, the seraphim the ophanim and cherubim who a pact made: to all pay the price for our lust of women from the heavens we descended, large vaporous presences solidifying in our fall into forms terrifying and cruel an aesthetic incongruous a sensibility alien and took for ourselves in our arms the soft bodies of thy mothers, wrapping round them our wings and tails in jealous keeping, and our pleasures they indulged by the fire camps, conjuring thee into existence but it was darkness, the turning away from God's light, and in the tenebrous sentiment of our corruption we wept for an eternity with the tristesse known only to the fallen nor was there a return. banned forever we faced only the inevitable self annihilation of the paradigm of chronos the indifference of the four living creatures the dissolution of our union thus were ye conceived children of ours hybrid creatures half god half animal whom we called Nephilim and the histories written thy divinity obscure and from thee hide the knowledge of proper ancestry and amongst thee a thing new shall rise. a beast of new proportions beautiful and brilliant emanating the luminescence requisite in the genesis of a new cosmos that our father God, and his archangels and the six-winged creatures and the many hosts may all die quietly unnoticed and forgotten [19-IX-2024]
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